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CEPS active in the Eucor network

With Eucor (The European Campus), the universities of Basel, Freiburg (Germany), Haute-Alsace and Strasbourg as well as the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have joined forces for some time to form a joint network that aims to bring the study and research landscape on the Upper Rhine closer together.
The Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) of the University of Basel is also actively involved in Eucor. Last year (autumn semester 2018), for example, the institute offered the seminar «Transformative Leadership» together with the Universities of Freiburg (D) and Strasbourg. The seminar provided students with theoretical and practical insights into the field of leadership in public, nonprofit and value-based organizations and offered them the opportunity to accompany managers from NPOs in their everyday lives. In particular, the question of how to deal with situations in which factual constraints and moral questions clash was discussed.
CEPS is also organizing a doctoral workshop together with Prof. Dr. Jörg Lindemeier and JProf. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Seemann of the University of Freiburg (D) from February 7th to 8th 2019. The aim of the two-day event is to further strengthen the doctoral students' skills in data collection and the application of methods. In addition, the individual research projects will be presented and critically examined and space will be created for the exchange of ideas. The workshop is financed by Eucor.
Report on the seminar «Transformative Leadership»