CEPS Research Fellows
The CEPS Research Fellows Network facilitates the exchange and collaboration of researchers in the field of philanthropy and non-profit sector.
We have created the program to promote the exchange of research ideas and cooperation in research projects in order to strengthen research development.
Members of the network are researchers from the Universities of Basel, Lausanne, St. Gallen, Freiburg (DE) and Marburg (DE), the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (Swiss Distance UAS), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), the Università della Svizzera italiana and private research centers.
The CEPS Research Fellows Program is open to new research members.
Dr. Manuela Barreca
USI, Faculty of Economics
Research interests: Public Management, Cultural management, Creative industries, Network governance, Public and private partnership, Crowdfunding
Dr. Steffen Bethmann
Melton Foundation, Chief Executive Officer for Global Citizenship
Research interests: strategic philanthropy, nonprofit management und governance, impact measurement
Dr. rer. pol. Diana Betzler
Freelance researcher and lecturer
Research interests: Organization Theory, Professionalization, Social- Public and Cultural Governance, Fundraising Performance, Evaluation and Quality Management in the Nonprofit and Cultural Sector
Dr. Anita Budziszewska
University of Warsaw, Swiss Confederation Excellence Scholarship Holder at the University of Geneva Centre for Philanthropy 2023/2024
Research interests: philanthropy and international relations, political and cultural determinants of philanthropy; culture and values in international relations, activities of international organizations in the sphere of culture and social projects, international cultural relations
Silvia Kljajic
Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences, Institut für Management & Innovation (IMI)
Research Interests: Social Security & Social Insurance, Accounting & Transparency in Nonprofit Organizations, Financing of Government Subsidized Entities
Dr. phil. Alex Gertschen
University of Bern, Center for Global Studies, CV
Research interests: Ideas and Methods of Societal Corporate Responsibility in the 20th Century (Corporate Social Responsibility, Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, Social Accounting /Social Audit, etc.)
Dr. sc. ETH Stefan Güntert
University of Applied Sciences, School of Business, Institute Nonprofit and Public Management
Research interests: Volunteer Management, Motivation Psychology, Job Design and Leadership
Dr. Sigrid Haunberger
ZHAW,School for Social Work, Institute of Management and Social Policy
Research interests: Volunteer management and volunteering, impact analyses and evaluations of nonprofit organizations, survey research
Dr. rer. pol. Sophie Hersberger-Langloh
Consense Philanthropy Consulting, Co-founder and consultant
Research Interests: Professionalisation of nonprofit organisations and foundations, impact management, volunteering
Dr. Malgorzata Kurak
International Institute for Management Development
Research Interests: family business, family philanthropy, corporate governance, innovation, social impact, CSR
Dr. Florian Liberatore
ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur Institute of Health Economics, Health Sector Management department
Research interests: Prosocial Consumer Behavior, Boycott Behavior, NPO in the Health Sector, Public Health Campaigns
Prof. Dr. Giedre Lideikyte Huber
Research interests: tax law, and more specifically in taxation of philanthropy, corporate taxation and sustainable tax systems (including gender and climate issues in taxation)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Lindenmeier
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (DE), Public and Non-Profit Management: Corporate Governance and Ethics
Research interests: Volunteering, Donation Behavior, Nonprofit Governance, Unethical Organization Behavior
Dr. Mariana Melnykovych
Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Unit "Social innovation and entrepreneurship"
Research interests: social innovations, stable institutions, participatory governance, civil society engagement in natural resource governance, attitudes and behaviours, public-private partnership, stakeholders evaluation, communities’ well-being and sustainable development
Prof. Dr. Marco Meneguzzo
USI, Faculty of Economics
Research interests: social finance, nonprofit organizations and social enterprises management, civic crowdfunding; social impact bonds, strategic planning and management in NPO and NGO, public private partnerships
Matthias Meyer, Dipl. Sozialökonom, Master of Public Health
ZHAW, School of Health Professions, Institute of Health Sciences
Research interests: Strategy and Management, Leadership, Evaluation and Impact Measurement of Non-Profit Organizations
Dr. Luzius Neubert, Dr. oec. publ., CFA
PPCmetrics, Investment Consulting & Controlling
Research interests: Investments of NPO and Foundations, Reserve Management of NPO, Disbursement Policy of Foundations, Sustainable Investments & Impact Investing
Dr. Marybel Perez
ESSCA School of Management, Department of Economics, Law and Society, CV
Research interests: NPO Governance, Foundations and Think Tanks, Social Network Analysis
Prof. Dr. oec. Daniela Mühlenberg-Schmitz
Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (Swiss Distance UAS), Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI)
Research interests: Accounting and Revision of NPO and State-Subsidized Institutions
Dr. rer. pol. Sibylle Studer
Caritas Schweiz, Head of Unit Knowledge & Quality Management
Research interests: Transdisciplinarity & Methods, Common goods, Volunteering & Integration, Evaluation of/in nonprofit organizations
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Daniel Zöbeli
Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (Swiss Distance UAS), Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI), Head of IMI
Research interests: Accounting and Transparency of NPO (Swiss GAAP FER 21), Funding of State-Subsidized Institutions