Now available: Book "Finanzmanagement in Non-Profit-Organisationen"

The first German-language book on financial management in NPOs offers a scientifically based and practice-oriented general overview of all areas of financing: topics such as financial analysis, budgeting, financing mix, cost management, investment and risk as well as controlling and accounting are described in a practice-oriented manner for everyday NPO life and related to each other.
In addition, Georg von Schnurbein also deals with the fundamental debate on the financing of NPOs: topics controversially discussed in the media, such as tax exemption due to non-profit status or administrative costs, are seen in a different light.
The book is thus both a guide and a textbook and makes knowledge about the financing of NPOs accessible to a broad audience.
Georg von Schnurbein
Finanzmanagement in Non-Profit-Organisationen – Finanzielle Ressourcen strukturiert, zielgerichtet und nachhaltig einsetzen
September 2023, 422 pages
ISBN 978-3-658-41805-2
The book can be ordered here.