New Bulletin Philanthropie Aktuell 2/2024: AI in Philanthropy

The ChatGPT tool can now be used in certain cases to increase your own productivity. But what are the limits of models such as ChatGPT and what capabilities of AI models can actually be used? In the latest issue of Philanthropie Aktuell, Dr. Dominik Meier, Senior Researcher at CEPS, and Omar Hussein, Data Scientist at CEPS, discuss the developments taking place in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and what relevance this has for NPOs and foundations. 

The AI-based search function of the Swiss Foundation Code is a concrete example of how AI can be used: The tool makes it possible to find desired text passages in the foundation governance regulations more quickly. We explain how it works and how it can be used.

More and more NPOs are seeking advice on how to deal with data and digital transformation.  The CorrelAid association connects volunteers with relevant skills in data analysis and processing with non-profit organizations. In this interview, Ann-Kristin Vester and Zoé Wolter from CorrelAid tell us how they perceive the needs of NPOs in relation to data.

We wish you a pleasant read.

The issue can be downloaded free of charge here.