/ Research

New publication: Partnerships to achieve the SDGs

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations is a complex and ambitious endeavor. The wide variety of societal challenges that need to be addressed within the SDGs requires the joint cooperation of all sectors – not least governments, companies and nonprofit organizations. Within the SDGs, this cooperation is addressed by Goal 17, «Partnerships for the Goals», which is the focus of a new publication in which the CEPS played a major role.

The volume «Transitioning to Strong Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals» is part of the book series «Transitioning to Sustainability» published by the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). In the volume, which has been edited by CEPS Director Georg von Schnurbein, researchers from all over the world deal with central topics relating to Goal 17 of the SDGs. Three chapters were written by CEPS researchers. Oto Potluka, for example, deals with the question of how (inter-sectoral) partnerships can be meaningfully evaluated, and Alice Hengevoss and Nicholas Arnold ask whether and how different objectives of various societal sectors can be reconciled.

The publication is available free of charge on the MDPI website.