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Philanthropie Aktuell 02/2017: The Return of Civil Society Action?

The political landscape around the globe is in flux – traditional parties are struggling and new political subjects have appeared on the political stage. In this issue of Philanthropie Aktuell we take a closer look at the challenges these new developments present civil society with.

In his lead article, Prof. Dr. Sandro Cattacin, professor for sociology at the University of Geneva, takes a look at the similarities between the revolutionary 19th century and current events and the role that civil society plays in these times of change. On page 2, Sophie Hersberger, research assistant at CEPS, discusses opportunities and risks non-profit-organizations and foundations face under the new administration in the US. And in our interview with Josha Frey, member of the Landtag of Baden-Württemberg and spokesman of the group Bündnis90/Die Grünen in Europe, we discuss the crucial interaction between politics and civil society.

Aforementioned articles coincide in two observations: on the one hand side, the conviction that the importance of civil society is increasing; on the other hand side, the finding that it remains an open question, in what directions civil society mobilization will proceed. 


Read Philanthropie Aktuell 02/2017