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Philanthropie Aktuell 1/2018: 10 Years CEPS

[Translate to English:] Ballons vor blauem Himmel

This year the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) celebrates its 10th anniversary – a good time to think about the past and the future.


In the lead article of this first issue of Philanthropie Aktuell in 2018, we look back on what has been achieved so far. But we also look ahead: the field of philanthropy is on the move and has experienced many positive developments, but also faces major challenges. On page 3, ten people closely linked to philanthropy provide interesting insights into these diverse changes.

Many of these developments will accompany the CEPS during its series of ten events in ten Swiss cities. After a successful kick-off event in Zurich together with SwissFoundations (see article on page 2), we look forward to travelling across Switzerland and working with local partners to highlight and deepen the full range of philanthropic work. 

We are particularly pleased to be able to offer the CAS in Global Social Entrepreneurship again from late summer 2018. Find out more about this exciting course on page 4.

Read Philanthropie Aktuell 01/18