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Philanthropie Aktuell 3/2018: Sustainable development and the role of Switzerland

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Agenda 2030. A central aspect of this agenda are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have replaced the Millennium Goals. These goals are also groundbreaking for Swiss development aid, not only for the state, but also for nonprofit organizations and business, as historian René Holenstein, who is ambassador for Switzerland to Bangladesh, writes in the lead article «Switzerland's contribution to a better world». In the interview on page 3, Susanna Hausmann, Chief Program Officer at the Botnar Foundation, talks about the role of foundations in development cooperation and the main areas of work of her foundation. Among others, Botnar Foundation is active in the area of social entrepreneurship. CEPS is also dedicated to this topic, not least in the course «CAS in Global Social Entrepreneurship (GSE)», which starts in January 2019. On page 2, you can meet four social entrepreneurs from all over the world who are taking part in the course. There are still places available at the GSE – we are looking forward to receiving your registration.
The SDGs will also play a central role at the 1st Basel Convention on Philanthropy on November 19th and 20th 2018. We want to discuss what contribution philanthropic commitment can make to important social issues such as health, migration, digitalization or political participation – and also celebrate CEPS's tenth anniversary together with our guests!
Read Philanthropy Aktuell 03/18