Philanthropie Aktuell 4/2018: First «Basel Convention on Philanthropy»

On November 19th and 20th 2018, more than 200 participants from various sectors met for the First Basel Convention on Philanthropy. Under the motto «A Plea for Collaboration», the conference aimed to discuss the current state and future development of cross-sectoral cooperation and the role that philanthropy can and should play in this context.
In the current issue of the CEPS Bulletin «Philanthropie Aktuell» we take a look back at the conference. In the lead article, Nicholas Arnold, research assistant at CEPS, examines whether cross-sectoral collaboration for social change is a reality or a merely a well-intentioned wish. On pages 2 and 3 – which appear in a slightly different form in this issue – you can find out more about the conference's agenda and discussion topics.
A central component of the discussion on cross-sectoral cooperation is the achievement of impact. CEPS is also working intensively on the impact topic. On page 4 we present the course book «Wirkung», published in October 2018. This book will also be at the heart of our revised CAS «Wirkungsmanagement in NPO», which will be offered in its new form for the first time in 2019.