New Bulletin Philanthropie Aktuell 1/2023: Umbrella Foundations: More than an Efficiency Gain

The latest issue of Philanthropie Aktuell is dedicated to the topic of umbrella foundations. There are currently 28 umbrella foundations in Switzerland with cumulative assets of 1.2 billion CHF. Dr. Alice Hengevoss, head of Applied Research at CEPS, introduces in the lead article the realities of umbrella foundations. Dr. Thomas Sprecher from the law firm Niederer Kraft Frey explains to us what is behind the "Donor Advised Fund" model and where the differences lie compared to an umbrella foundation. In this issue's interview, we spoke with one of the 28 umbrella foundations: Claudia Ineichen, Managing Director of the Rütli Foundation, tells us what other services are offered in addition to the classic subfoundation and how the cooperation with donors is structured.

We wish you a pleasant read.

The issue can be downloaded free of charge here.