
The CEPS, in collaboration with the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Basel, offers the possibility of individual doctorate. It includes the development of a doctoral thesis focusing on nonprofit organizations and/or philanthropy. The Faculty of Business and Economics awards the degree of “Doctor rerum politicarum” (“Dr. rer. pol.”, equivalent of a “Ph.D.”) for the successful completion of the doctorate program. Doctoral students at the CEPS becomes part of a young, interdisciplinary research team and work on further research projects, and provide support to the Center in the areas of teaching, executive education, and practice-oriented consulting.
We recommend reviewing the Student Regulations for an overview of general requirements and admission procedures to a doctorate program at the University of Basel. Please also visit the website of the Graduate School of Business and Economics for specific requirements for the doctorate program in business and economics
The Graduate Center (GRACE) also provides general information about (post)doctoral studies at the University of Basel. Additionally, the Welcome & Euraxess Center assists new (post)doctoral students of the University of Basel.

Thanks to the support of EUCOR, the CEPS conducts an annual doctoral workshop together with the Department of Public and Non-Profit Management at the University of Freiburg. The «Advanced Workshop for PhD Students on Methodology in Nonprofit and Philanthropy Research» strengthens the methodological knowledge of doctoral students and enables them to present, discuss and enhance their own research projects.